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Real estate general authority warns of property ad fraud

The General Authority for Real Estate has detected a suspected manipulation of real estate advertisement data on one of the real estate platforms, where a discrepancy in the advertised prices for the same property title deed was observed.

The Authority affirms that these advertisements have been investigated, and as a result, the property owner and the brokers publishing these advertisements have been summoned for questioning and necessary legal procedures.

In this context, the Authority notes that any advertisements carrying the same violation will be monitored, and coordination will be undertaken with electronic platforms and real estate brokers to verify and take appropriate action against violators.

The Authority also emphasizes that the use of licenses with incorrect, misleading, or irrelevant data to the advertised property constitutes a violation of the regulations and exposes the license holder to legal accountability. The necessary measures will be taken against violators.

The Authority calls on everyone to report such cases through its official channels, stressing that it will continue to monitor published real estate advertisements and will not tolerate any violation of the system to ensure transparency and protect the rights of all parties.

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